User Download Folder
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Bob Worsley asked
how he can find out where the default user download folder is at. The default download folder for the current user can be obtained through
the official Windows API (Please do not poke at the registry).
Samuel Pizarro answered Bob's post by pointing at the official MSDN documentation -
SHGetKnownFolderPath and a list of
Known Folder Id. Truth to be told I had never called that API myself before. I thought it would be a good exercise
to try to use it in VDF 16.1 and DF 20.1.
Use UI
#IF !@<200
Use CharTranslate.pkg
External_Function CLSIDFromString "CLSIDFromString" OLE32.DLL WString lpsz Pointer pclsid Returns UInteger
External_Function SHGetKnownFolderPath "SHGetKnownFolderPath" SHELL32.DLL Pointer rfid UInteger dwFlags UInteger hToken Pointer ppszPath Returns UInteger
External_Function CoTaskMemFree "CoTaskMemFree" Ole32.dll Pointer pv Returns UInteger
Define FOLDERID_Downloads For "{374DE290-123F-4565-9164-39C4925E467B}"
Function KnownFolder Global String sFolderGuid Returns String
Pointer ppszPath
UInteger uVoid hResult
String sFolder
UChar[16] g
// Converting a string Guid to actual Guid
#IF !@<200
Pointer pWideString
Integer iVoid
Move (OemToUtf16Buffer(AddressOf(sFolderGuid), -1)) to pWideString
Move (CLSIDFromString(pWideString, AddressOf(g))) to hResult
Move (Free(pWideString)) to iVoid
Move (CLSIDFromString(sFolderGuid, AddressOf(g))) to hResult
// Actually the path of the known folder specified by sFolderGuid
Move 0 to ppszPath
Move (SHGetKnownFolderPath(AddressOf(g), 0, 0, AddressOf(ppszPath))) to uVoid
// Convert the LPWSTR to OEM (<20.0) / UTF (20.0+) string type
#IF !@<200
Address aPath
Move (Utf16ToOemBuffer(ppszPath, -1)) to aPath
Move aPath to sFolder
Move (PointerToWString(ppszPath)) to sFolder
Move (CoTaskMemFree(ppszPath)) to uVoid
Function_Return sFolder