How do you start/stop your web app? << Back

Let's say you are trying to create a nightly build process at your company. One of your apps is a VDF Web App. How do you programmatically start/stop a Web App?

Use Windows
Use FlexMl

External_Function StopWebApplication  "StopWebApplication" wasclnt.dll String sAppName Returns Boolean
External_Function StartWebApplication "StartWebApplication" wasclnt.dll String sAppName Returns Boolean

Integer iVoid
Handle hXML

Get Create U_cXMLDomDocument to hXML
Send Destroy of hXML

Move (StopWebApplication("WebOrder_19")) to iVoid
Send Info_Box "Stopped"

Move (StartWebApplication("WebOrder_19")) to iVoid
Send Info_Box "Started"

There is a "wasclnt.dll" in the VDF Bin folder. It is recommended that you place the final EXE in the same folder as the "wasclnt.dll". The reason why you need to create that XML object is to trick VDF runtime into calling CoInitialize/ OleInitialize internally.

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