Clean up deferred views
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Raveen Sundram contributed a nice piece of code here to garbage collect deferred views
here. I like the idea very much, however I would also like to add some more customizations and make some modifications to his approach.
// Include this package inside of the ClientArea of you app
// Usage:
// Whenever you feel like it (for example, you app has been idle for an hour), call
// the procedure DestroyDeferredViews to clean up all the deferred view.
// Inside each deferred view, you can decide to refuse to be cleaned up. To do so,
// Set pbAllowDeferDestroyState to FALSE
// When a deferred view is about to be cleaned up, you will receive a callback procedure call
// inside the deferred view
// Procedure OnDeferDestroy Boolean ByRef bShouldDestroy
// Augment OnDeferDestroy to do any cleanup. The parameter "bShouldDestroy" allows you one last
// chance to stop the destruction of the deferred view by doing
// Move False to bShouldDestroy
Use VDFBase.pkg
Property Integer[] piDeferredViewMsgs
// This is called internally
Procedure AddDeferredView Integer iGetMsg Integer iSetMsg
Integer[] iDeferredViewMsgs blanks
Integer iCount
Get piDeferredViewMsgs to iDeferredViewMsgs
Move (SizeOfArray(iDeferredViewMsgs)) to iCount
Get piDeferredViewMsgs to blanks
Move iGetMsg to iDeferredViewMsgs[iCount]
Move iSetMsg to iDeferredViewMsgs[iCount + 1]
Set piDeferredViewMsgs to iDeferredViewMsgs
End_Procedure // AddDeferredView
Register_Function pbAllowDeferDestroyState Returns Boolean
Register_Procedure OnDeferDestroy Boolean ByRef bShouldDestroy
// This is the procedure you would call whenever you feel like it
Procedure DestroyDeferredViews
Integer[] iDeferredViewMsgs
Integer iCount iIndex iGetMsg iSetMsg
Handle hView
Boolean bCanDestroy
Get piDeferredViewMsgs to iDeferredViewMsgs
Move (SizeOfArray(iDeferredViewMsgs) / 2 - 1) to iCount
For iIndex From 0 to iCount
Move iDeferredViewMsgs[iIndex * 2] to iGetMsg
Move iDeferredViewMsgs[iIndex * 2 + 1] to iSetMsg
Get iGetMsg to hView
If (hView And Active_State(hView) = 0) Begin
Get pbAllowDeferDestroyState of hView to bCanDestroy
If (bCanDestroy) Begin
Send OnDeferDestroy of hView (&bCanDestroy)
If (bCanDestroy) Begin
Send Destroy of hView
Set iSetMsg to 0
End_Procedure // DestroyDeferredViews
Property Integer !1_obj 0 //track Id of view object
Send AddDeferredView Get_!1_Obj Set_!1_Obj
// used to return the handle to the actual view creating it as needed
Function !1_Handle Returns Handle
Handle hoView
Get !1_Obj to hoView // Id of the view
If (hoView=0) Begin // if not created, create it
Send Cursor_wait to (cursor_control(Self))
Gosub Create_!1
Get !1_Obj to hoView // this time it better be there!
Send Cursor_ready to (cursor_control(Self))
Function_Return hoView
End_Procedure // !1_Handle
Procedure !1
Handle hoView
Get !1_Handle to hoView
Send Activate_View to hoView
End_Procedure // !1
[Found ~Found] Begin
Object !4 !5 !6 !7 !8 !9
Property Boolean pbAllowDeferDestroyState True
Procedure OnDeferDestroy Boolean ByRef bShouldDestroy
End_Procedure // OnDeferDestroy
Set !1_obj to Self
#ENDCOMMAND // Deferred_View1
#REPLACE Deferred_View Deferred_View1
Use DfAllEnt.pkg
Object oMain is a Panel
Set Size to 300 450
Object oClientArea is a ClientArea
Use CleanupDeferredViews.pkg
DEFERRED_VIEW Activate_View1 FOR Object oView1 is a dbView
Set Size to 100 200
Set Label to "View1"
Procedure OnDeferDestroy Boolean ByRef bShouldDestroy
Showln "Getting destroyed :("
Object oButton is a Button
Procedure OnClick
Delegate Send DestroyDeferredViews
DEFERRED_VIEW Activate_View2 FOR Object oView2 is a dbView
Set Size to 100 200
Set Label to "View2"
Set pbAllowDeferDestroyState to False
Object oButton is a Button
Procedure OnClick
Delegate Send DestroyDeferredViews
DEFERRED_VIEW Activate_View3 FOR Object oView3 is a dbView
Set Size to 100 200
Set Label to "View3"
Procedure OnDeferDestroy Boolean ByRef bShouldDestroy
Showln "Refuse to be destroyed >_<"
Move False to bShouldDestroy
Object oButton is a Button
Procedure OnClick
Delegate Send DestroyDeferredViews
On_Key Key_Ctrl+Key_1 Send Activate_View1 of oClientArea
On_Key Key_Ctrl+Key_2 Send Activate_View2 of oClientArea
On_Key Key_Ctrl+Key_3 Send Activate_View3 of oClientArea