Windows Spellcheck << Back

If you are using DF 20.0 or above, and your program runs on Windows 8 or above, then you can take advantage of the built-in spellcheck function for Windows. The spellcheck only applies to cTextEdit, cDbTextEdit, cRichEdit, and cDbRichEdit.

	Define EM_SETLANGOPTIONS for		(WM_USER + 120)
	Define EM_GETLANGOPTIONS for		(WM_USER + 121)
	Define IMF_SPELLCHECKING for		|CI$0800
	Set Floating_Menu_Object to 0 // If you want the built-in spelling suggestions
	Procedure Page_Object Boolean bPage
		Integer iOptions
		Forward Send Page_Object bPage
		Get Windows_Message EM_GETLANGOPTIONS 0 0 to iOptions
		Send Windows_Message EM_SETLANGOPTIONS 0 (iOptions ior IMF_SPELLCHECKING)
	End_Procedure // Page_Object

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