Multiline Radio/Checkbox
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There is a "MultiLineState" property in the "Button" control. However there is no such property for "Radio"/"CheckBox" control. Here is a quick fix. Mix the following
Mixin into your sub class (you do have a subclass layer, don't you?) for Radio, CheckBox, and dbCheckBox class. Remember to set the Auto_Size_State to FALSE!
Use Windows
Class MultiLine_Mixin is a Mixin
Procedure Define_MultiLine_Mixin
Property Boolean MultilineState False
End_Procedure // Define_MultiLine_Mixin
Procedure Set Form_Style Integer iItem Integer iStyle
If (MultiLineState(Self)) Move (iStyle ior BS_MULTILINE) to iStyle
Forward Set Form_Style iItem to iStyle
End_Procedure // Form_Style
End_Class // MultiLine_Mixin