There are 3 types of standard loops in VDF
Those are pretty standard in pretty much all common computer languages. However I do want to point
out that you can mix and match different keywords in VDF to do something a little bit more.
To create an infinite loop (the old fashion/boring ways)
// Looping indefinitely
Until (False)
While (True)
// Looping indefinitely
To create an infinite loop (mix and match)
// Looping indefinitely
Loop // "Until"
Begin // "Repeat"
// Looping indefinitely
Break Begin // Jumps to the beginning of the control block, which causes infinite loop
I complained about the Begin/Loop accident here.
The compiler/runtime are still very happy with the code as of DataFlex 20.0 Alpha 2.
While/End loop
They are in quite a few places in the standard DF packages (as of DataFlex 20.0 Alpha 2).
Here are some examples.
While nb ge 0
Get integer_value of obj nb to bobj
Set GUIlocation of bobj to ht col
Send Adjust_Logicals to bobj
Move (col - swd - wd) to col
Decrement nb
This type of loop has got to be my absolute favorite. You have both range check and an extra conditional check.
There are quite a few places in the standard DataFlex packages.
For iCount from 0 to iMax
Get Data_Set_Server iCount to iDSO
If not (Visited_state(iDSO)) ;
Get Private.Valid_Structure of iDSO False to iRVal
Until iRval
It's pretty useless to do a While/Until loop since you are checking conditions back to back. However
that compiler won't stop you from doing so.
While (i<100)
Increment i
Until (i>=100)