If Status << Back

Recently I have discovered a little short hand for checking the status of a data file. This might have been documented in the console mode DF days, but as far as I know, it's not documented in the Windows version of DF. Anyway, the command "Get_Attribute DF_FILE_STATUE" would return you one of the 3 choices Take the Order Entry Example. If you want to check the file status of the data file "Customer". Instead of doing

Integer iStatus
Get_Attribute DF_FILE_STATUS of Customer.File_Number to iStatus
If (iStatus=DF_FILE_INACTIVE) Begin
	// This code will be executed if the file status is DF_FILE_INACTIVE

You could just do this

If Not Status Customer Begin
	// This code will be executed if the file status is DF_FILE_INACTIVE

"If Status" is true if the file status is either DF_FILE_ACTIVE or DF_FILE_ACTIVE_CHAGNED.

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