External_Message Gotcha << Back

This is a bit of an advanced topic. Make sure you understand how External_Message works. Try to see if you can follow the code below.

Use DfAllEnt

Class cDemoTree is a TreeView
	Procedure OnCreateTree
		Handle hItem
		Get AddTreeItem "Test" 0 0 0 0 to hItem
		Get AddTreeItem "Test" 0 0 0 0 to hItem
	End_Procedure // OnCreateTree
	Procedure OnItemClick
		Showln (Name(Self)) " - " (Window_Handle(Self))
		Send Windows_Message (WM_USER+123) 0 0
	End_Procedure // OnItemClick
End_Class // cDemoTree

Object oMain is a Panel
	Set Size to 140 110
	Object oTree1 is a cDemoTree
		Set Size to 50 100
		Procedure OnTree1Click
			Send Info_Box "tree 1's item clicked"
		End_Procedure // OnTree1Click
		Set External_Message (WM_USER+123) to MSG_OnTree1Click
	End_Object // oTree1
	Object oTree2 is a cDemoTree
		Set Location to 50 0
		Set Size to 50 100
		Procedure OnTree2Click
			Send Info_Box "tree 2's item clicked"
		End_Procedure // OnTree2Click
		Set External_Message (WM_USER+123) to MSG_OnTree2Click
	End_Object // oTree2
End_Object // oMain


Whenever a tree item is clicked, OnItemClick is called. We have 2 objects (oTree1, oTree2) are both based on cDemoTree. In theory, for each tree object, if you click on an item in oTree1, it should trigger line 20; if you click on an item in oTree2, it should trigger line 29. In reality, if you click on an item in oTree2, you will get an error message of "Invalid message. MSG_ONTREE1CLICK"

External_Message, unfortunately, is tied to a Windows class (not DF class). In this case, "cVdfTreeView". If you are curious, the Windows class name can be found inside DfTreevw.pkg. Whenever you set an external message in ANY object for that Windows class, all objects for that DF Class (and all the subclass) will have that External_Message. All DF Classes and their subclasses will ALWAYS have the same Windows class.

Some more sample if the explanation wasn't clear.

Class cParentTree is a TreeView // Windows class is "cVdfTreeView"
End_Class // cParentTree

Class cChildTree is a cParentTreeView // Windows class is "cVdfTreeView"
End_Class // cChildTree

Class cDifferentTree is a TreeView // Windows class is "cVdfTreeView"
End_Class // cDifferentTree

Object oTree1 is a cChildTree
	Set External_Message (WM_USER+123) to MSG_OnSomething // You just set the External_Message to all the objects that have the Window class "cVdfTreeView"!
End_Object // oTree1

Object oTree2 is a cParentTree // this object will HAVE the External_Message attached to it because they share the same Windows class!
End_Object // oTree2

Object oTree3 is a cDifferentTree // this object will HAVE the External_Message attached to it because they share the same Windows class!
End_Object // oTree3

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