COM Class in C#
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Almost a year ago, Michael Mullan asked on the DAW support forum on how to
create COM Class in C#. Michael Salzlechner (AKA StarZen) replied with a helpful article of his own
here. I decided to follow the steps from that article to create my very first COM Class using C#. All was well.
A year later, Michael Mullan now
wants to know how to add Events into his COM Class in C#. As this is a slow Sunday, I figure I would give it a go even without the promise of
any Bushmills.
using System;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using System.Threading;
namespace Bushmills
public interface IBushmillsEvents
void OnFinishDrinking();
public interface IBushmills
string WhatAreYouHaving();
public class Bushmills: IBushmills
public delegate void OnFinishDrinkingDelegate();
private event OnFinishDrinkingDelegate OnFinishDrinking;
private void DrinkingThread()
public string WhatAreYouHaving()
Thread timerThread = new Thread(DrinkingThread);
return "Black Bush";
On the VDF side
Use FlexCom20.pkg
Class cComIBushmills is a Mixin
Function ComWhatAreYouHaving Returns String
Handle hDispatchDriver
String retVal
Get phDispatchDriver to hDispatchDriver
Get InvokeComMethod of hDispatchDriver 1 OLE_VT_BSTR to retVal
Function_Return retVal
Class cComIBushmillsEvents is a Mixin
Procedure OnComFinishDrinking
Procedure RegisterComEvents
Send RegisterComEvent 1 msg_OnComFinishDrinking
Class cComBushmills is a cComAutomationObject
Import_Class_Protocol cComIBushmills
Import_Class_Protocol cComIBushmillsEvents
Procedure Construct_Object
Forward Send Construct_Object
Set psProgID to "{1C294EDA-11D7-49FA-9794-0D4E53C288D9}"
Set psEventId to "{E68A61B0-A1ED-40B3-B544-5AB16479C800}"
Set peAutoCreate to acNoAutoCreate