cCJGrid and Tooltip wrapping << Back

Every cell within a cCJGrid has built-in tooltip support - if the content of the cell exceeds the width of the cell, a tooltip will popup to display the content of the cell. By default, cCJGrid does not wrap the content of the tooltip. However the property in cCJGrid called "piTooltipMaxWidth" seems promising. However upon setting it, the cell built-in tooltip still doesn't wrap the content. A quick workaround is to set the "piTooltipMaxWidth" anyway. Also augment the following event in your cCJGridColumn/cDbCjGridColumn.

Object oGrid is a cCJGrid
	Set piTooltipMaxWidth to 200
	Object oColumn is a ccjGridColumn
		Function OnGetTooltip Integer iRow String sValue String sText Returns String
			Function_Return sValue
		End_Function // OnGetTooltip
	End_Object // oColumn
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