ByRef Madness << Back

History: ByRef was introduced in VDF 11.0. It allows parameters to be passed "by reference" to a procedure/function. Combining with VDF's "Implicit Type Conversion", you've got some nasty bugs.

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Procedure StringByValue String sParam
	Move (sParam+"A") to sParam

Procedure StringByRef String ByRef sParam
	Move (sParam+"A") to sParam

String sString
Move "123" to sParam
Send StringByValue sParam // sParam will still be "123"
Send StringByRef (&sParam) // sParam will be "123A"

InKey FieldIndex

If a parameter is passed by value, regardless of what happens inside the subroutine, no changes will be applied to the caller's parameter. If a parameter is passed by reference, any changes you make to the parameter within the subroutine will be applied to the caller's parameter.

So far so good.

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Procedure StringByValue String sParam
	Move (sParam+"A") to sParam
	Showln sParam

Send StringByValue 123 // Showln will show 123A
Send StringByValue (CurrentDateTime()) // Showln will show 6/12/2020 5:58:00.000 PMA

Procedure IntegerByValue Integer iParam
	Move (iParam + 2) to iParam
	Showln iParam

Send IntegerByValue "1" // Showln will show 3
Send IntegerByValue (CurrentDateTime()) // ERROR here, see explanation below.

InKey FieldIndex

This is good-old VDF implicit type conversion. StringByValue is expecting a string. However you can totally call StringByValue with any data type that can be coerced (converted) into a string. The same concept applies to the procedure IntegerByValue. When you pass a data type that can not be coerced into the target data type (In this scenario, trying to convert a DateTime type into an Integer type), you will get the runtime error Illegal Datatype Conversion.

So far so good.

Here comes puzzle time!!

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Procedure AddCurrencySign String ByRef sVal
    Move ("$"+sVal) to sVal

Procedure ShowStringWithCurrencySign String sVal
    Send AddCurrencySign (&sVal)
    Showln sVal // What will be shown???

Number nNum
Move 12.22 to nNum
Send ShowStringWithCurrencySign nNum

InKey FieldIndex

What will be shown? Is it $12.22? The answer is $. But why? The procedures AddCurrencySign and ShowStringWithCurrencySign both look good. There is no syntax error or runtime error. What happened?

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Procedure TestByRef String ByRef s1 String ByRef s2
    Showln (s1+s2) // What will be shown???

Procedure Test String s1 String s2
    Showln (s1+s2) // What will be shown???
    Send TestByRef (&s1) (&s2)

Send Test 56 78

InKey FieldNumber

Here comes another similar puzzle - What will be shown? On Line 8, as you might have guessed - "5678". What about Line 4? You get a blank string.

Use WinShell.pkg

Procedure RemoveExt String sFile
    Integer iVoid
    Move (PathRemoveExtension(AddressOf(sFile))) to iVoid

Procedure ByRefProc String ByRef sFile
    Showln "Before " sFile // Hello.txt
    Send RemoveExt sFile   // I am passing sFile by value into RemoveExt
    Showln "After " sFile  // Hello

Procedure Main
    String sLocalFile
    Move "Hello.txt" to sLocalFile
    Send ByRefProc (&sLocalFile)

Send Main
InKey FieldIndex

PathRemoveExtension is a Windows API call that removes the file extension from a file name. Here is another puzzle - sFile inside ByRefProc was changed by RemoveExt? But how?

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Procedure Method_C String ByRef sParam
    Move 'Voodoo' to sParam

Procedure Method_B String sParam
    Send Method_C (&sParam)

Procedure Method_A
    String sTest
    Send Method_B // Not passing any parameter!
    Showln "sTest: " sTest
    InKey FieldIndex

Send Method_A

// sTest now contains the string "Voodoo"

I have no explanation for this one. That's just pure VDF voodoo.

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